
Building product's essencial information

July 5, 2021

 The product page is where shoppers assess the value of a product, whether they are visiting a new store or a store they are familiar with.

The right layout and design elements on your product page make it easier for customers to determine whether each product provides the value they are looking for. 

Pictures, descriptions, dimensional drawings, inventory and inventory details, as well as information about transportation and taxes, can attract customers' attention.

Although there is no universal way to design a perfect product page, Shopify's findings show once again that no matter what your industry, there are some basic details to consider to build trust.


  • Each product page has a variety of photos
  • The product description is divided into different parts to ensure readability
  • When appropriate, have a size table on your product page, preferably with size conversion function
  • Latest product reviews on product page


  • Include return policy and shipping information on the product page
  • Product video on the product page

【Source text: by report】

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