Dropshipping News

The benefits of high-quality honest pictures in Shopify

July 2, 2021

More than 22% of the returns are due to the difference between the actual product and the online picture.

High quality pictures can not only increase your income, but also save you the cost of returning goods. Let's take a look at a few tips to pay attention to when taking product photos.

Using window light and light box

Window light is easy because it's a light setting, and it's cheap and easy to do. When shooting with a light box, you enter the multi light setting, which adds a complex level, usually requiring education rather than simple articles.

Multi light issues:

  • You have to buy a lot of extra equipment, which can become very expensive. The cost of light boxes and lights may increase, which may be higher than the cost of hiring professionals.

  • You need to know how to balance the exposure of different lights and how to position them correctly. Learning the relationship between f-file and shutter speed and light can be a challenge.
  • Balancing the colors of lights becomes a problem because each light source has a different color, which is called color temperature. Extreme colors can greatly affect your image.

  • If you decide to use flash instead of continuous light, be prepared to go beyond basic exposure. Flash exposure is only determined by F gear, which limits the synchronization speed and requires special equipment to trigger.
  • The light quality of the tent is very uniform, and there is usually no shadow. Shadows are important because they create the shape of the product and provide a sense of place.

 I think that the images produced by the light outside the window are more energetic and interesting than the light tent. If you still want to buy or build a light tent, be ready to learn how to set the aperture, shutter speed, ISO and color balance on the camera, and how to use individual lights.

Most people can take good pictures in a single light environment, such as the natural window light strategy discussed above. However, to perfectly photograph difficult products such as transparent and reflective products, we need a multi-lamp studio setting and deep photographic technology knowledge, which adds complexity to the process.

‍【Source text: by report】

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